Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Monday, December 1

You worked on your presentations on publication venues. We reviewed the assignment sheet and outlined what you would need to include in your presentation.

Name of the publication venue (link to web site / address etc)

Bullet-point brief overview of the features of the publication venue to include:
- audience
- purpose
- subject matter
- political / cultural orientation
- patterns in style, voice, form, modes of writing for the pieces they publish

You also need to provide an overview of the publishing requirements including:
- submission dates
- length
- manuscript form
Although it is not on the assignment sheet - you might also mention whether or not the publication is open to "emerging" writers.

In your discussion you should: show your classmates the publications site, describe several essays representative of the kinds of work this journal accepts, point out how your essay is similar and different and discuss why you think it fits with this venue.

At this point you can open the discussion up to questions - so that your classmates can consider whether or not they might want to send their work to this journal. We will get through as many presentations as we can; there may be some spill-over to Monday.

We will discuss "Zion" and "Writing Zion" next Wednesday, when we take up reflective writing.

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