Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Monday, November 24

Today's discussion was about revising and writing about writing. Even if revising is not part of your composing process - as you begin to send your work out to different publication venues, it becomes increasingly important to have an effective process for revisions. Sometimes the first venue you submit to may not accept your work - and you will need to re-cast your essay so that it is a better fit for a different venue. Or you might get a new idea - that opens up your essay and makes it a more resonant, more compelling work. The suggestions in Thiel are a wonderful place to start - but the real discoveries you make about revising will be through your own experimentation with re-thinking, re-arranging and re-constituting your work.

The reading/blog assignment for Monday should take you deeper into the contemplation of your revising process.

Read: Stanton, “Zion,” and “On Writing ‘Zion’,”
I will distribute Stanton's essays via email by this evening (11/25).
Blog 20: How did your relationship to your material affect your composing process? Describe / compare the composing processes you used as you revised one of your essays.

On Monday you will have an open workshop to work on your presentation. I will also be available for conferences on the essay of your choice.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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