Monday, November 17, 2008

Monday, November 17

At the beginning of class you did some writing about your draft for essay 3. you identified your story, your concept and the vehicle for telling your story (description of a person/place/object etc). You then wrote a little about what you think you need to work on, and how you plan to go about revising (working on whatever you need to work on). After class - take a look at your essay and mark it up - do some thinking about how/what you want to revise - and bring your notes/a marked up copy to your conference. I passed around the sign-up sheet for confernces - if you don't have a time - or if you need to change your time, send me an email.

We also talked about what to include in your portfolio (handout posted on this site).

The rest of class was devoted to work on essay 4. Some of you brainstormed your ideas with the class, and you spent the rest of class providing feedback to one another's blogs.

For Wednesday:
Do some writing on Essay 4 and come to class with questions/requests for help so you are ready to do the rest of your writing over the weekend (Draft Essay 4 due on Monday, Nov. 24).

Blog 18: Reflections on comments from classmates regarding Essay 4= more writing for Essay 4.

Also, in class we will do some more talking about publication venues. Come to class with at least one possibile venue for the essay you hope to send out. We will spend some group time getting started on the publication venue project (to make sure you know what you are looking for) and the rest of class will be devoted to work on essay 4.

Groups for Publication Venue Assignment:

Jose, Angela, Nicole, Liz, Tim

Meghan, Angel, Lauren, Sue, Shannon, Camille

Edgar, Diana, Jennifer, Matt, Dan Jenna

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