Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9

In class today we did a close reading of John McPhee's "Search for Marvin Gardens"; we paid particular attention to how he used movement among descriptions of playing Monopoly, walking around Atlantic City, and presenting the "facts" of Atlantic City's history to develop and reflect on his focus.

You signed up either for a f2f conference or for written feedback.

The conference schedule is as follows:
Tuesday Nov 10
3:00 Julie Jackson

Wednesday, Nov 11
10:00 am Joe Tingle
11:00 am Kelly Quinn
12:00 pm Benito Nieves

Thursday Nov 12
12:30 Nicole DeLuccia
12:00 Tim Lowe
1:30 Stephen Mesa

3:15 Nic Garripoli

Written feedback
Brittany Piano, Rebecca Wood, DJ Akinyemi; Joe Fernandes, Cara Liveto, Kim Castro

For Thursday:
Blog 18:list some places that have been important in your life; if possible, go to one of them and write in your writing journal about what you see => use this writing to create a blog entry where you use description to make a point/reflect on a realization (like McPhee). Do not state your reflection directly.

In class on Thursday we will begin by looking at the blog entries - and then do some more work on using description to "embody" ideas.
Great class today. McPhee's essay is not always an easy read for students - and you talked about it with some sophistication. Thanks for the good participation.

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