Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2

This week is going to be primarily devoted to workshopping and writing.

Today you started out by reading your clasmates essays (by group) and offering some comments to receive/reflect on what you wrote.

Groups were:
Rebecca Wood, Allison Cherry, Benny Nieves, Brittany Piano

Tim Lowe, Julie jackson, nic Garripoli, Alex Cade

Cara Oliveto, maureen Peterson, Joe Tingle, kim Castro

Stephen Mesa, Elliot fant, Joe fernandex, Lauren Buttacavole

Nicole DeLuccia, Deji Akinyemi, Kelly Quinn, Jaimesue Salva

After you read some of your classmates' work, you then did some reflecting on your own. Specifically, you wrote me an email where you stated:
- how/whether your essay met the requirements of the assignment
- what you focused on during your revision
- how/whether you addressed what we talked about in your conference
- what you would like to do some more work on
- what grade you think you piece should receive.

Blog 16: The assignment is to post:
1. your proposed focus + the object, place, or person you will write about to develop that focus
2. the specific descriptions or information you will present to develop your focus
3. what each description shows about your focus
4. a specific request for feedback

The more writing you do here the further along you are with your draft. This post will be the "pre-draft" that you will discuss workshop with classmates on Thursday.

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