Monday, October 19, 2009

October 19

You practiced your readings for tomorrow's National Day of Writing presentations: from what I heard you were great!

Before you got together to read to each other in groups, I went back over where the class will be going in the next couple of weeks.

First - if you haven't turned in your draft essay (new topic, second essay) as an attachment, send it to the address asap.

In class I passed around the sign up sheet for a conference on the second essay. In this conference we will talk over which essay you want to revise for your "final" essay (for a grade), and what you want to do to revise it. The final essay for 1/2 will be due on November 2.

For Monday, October 26, you have two sets of assignments Since we will not be meeting as a class on Thursday - we talked through them both today. we will have sort of a double-class next Monday to catch up.
Read what Thiel writes about revising. pp 88-96.
Blog 12:write a narrative (rambling planning document) to describe how you decided which essay to revise - and how you will revise it.

Also read: Stanton (link at the bottom of this page) and review Kincaid, "Biography of a Dress"
Blog 13: look in your closet, a drawer, your purse or wallet, your pockets or backpack (if you are really into this you can look in boxes where you've put away things from your past) - then write the story of one or two thinks you find.

In class on Monday - we will talk briefly about revising, and dig into brainstorming for your next assignemt (Essay 3&4): an object/place focused CNF essay.

Break a leg at the reading!

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