Thursday, October 15, 2009

October 15

In class today we talked about commenting on classmates' blogs - and then you did some commenting on the first drafts.

We then finalized the schedule for the reading on October 20 (see last post). It will be in the Carriage house - over by Liberty Hall (across Morris Ave) _ hopefully I will have more specific directions on Monday.

We then talked about how to do a workshop on a partial draft. The writer begins by giving an overview of his/her idea and the stories s/he wants to use to support it. listeners should recive the idea + offer associations + connections - ask questions - say what /she is interested in. In some sense it is a group brainstorming session - where you have a chance to gauge the interest + connections to your focus for your next draft. You then had a workshop.

For Monday:
Blog 11: Draft 2

Come to class prepared to rehearse your reading for October 20. You will get a chance for a "dress rehearsal" - to figure out if you will run into any hitches. We will then discuss how it went - and you will have a second try if you need one.

You will also sign up for your second conference - and we will talk about the revising process.

Have a great weekend - and good writing!

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