Monday, December 14, 2009

Monday, December 14

Turning in your portfolios + getting your grades

I have returned your revised essays 3/4 so you should have all you need to finish your portfolios. If you didn't turn in revisions for Essay 3/4 - I will give you comments with your portfolio.

I have portfolios from about 6 of you - and the rest of you will turn in your work at the Diner on Thursday.

I will read through your portfolios as soon as possible - and send you a gradesheet with comments. The gradesheet will list all comments on work, points, and your grade. Hopefully I will have your grades to you by Saturday or Sunday.

Look over your gradesheet - and get back to me if you have questions or comments. If I don't hear from you by Tuesday, I will assume that you are OK with your grade, and I will post it on Keanwise.

At the Diner (University Diner on North Avenue at @:00 pm on Thursday) - we will share work, read favorites, eat and talk. You are a great class - I really got a lot out of this course. Thank you for your good writing.

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