Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Wednesday, October 15

You spoent the first half of class commenting on your classmates' blogs. Your task was to support the writer in finding his/her concept, iudentifying the story (the best scenes, characterizations and events) to represent the aspects of that concept they mean to develop, and to figure out the connections between the story and the concept. I encouraged you to ask questions - to identify material you were interested in and to offer information/references/ ideas that you think the writer might be able to use. If you are having trouble identifying the focus - ask what it is - and make some hypotheses.

During the second half of class you took a quick look through the comments - and did a short bit of writing to pull things togetyher - and to make any requests for comments from me that you have in mind. And as usual, we talked.

Post your draft for personal essay 2 on your blog for Monday, and we will do some writing to decide which essay you want to revise.

have a great weekend!

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