Monday, November 30, 2009

November 30

In class today we talked about revision - and you did some writing to dig in to some of the thinking/re-thinking work you need to do to sharpen your focus + development.

You also had some time to work on your presentations.

For Thursday:
In your text book, read the section on Revision (Chapter 17, 83 - 96).

Blog 21 Choose one of the writing prompts from Theils "suggestions for rewriting" (at the end of the sections) - and do the writing on your blog.

Also - just to keep us all on the same page, I have posted the calendar for the rest of the term.

Th Dec 3
Work on revising either Essay 3 or 4; in-class conferences on your work; work on your presentation on a publication venue
Go over format for turning in your portfolio (CD)
Blog 22: Post handout for presentation on publication venus

M Dec 7
Presentations on publication venues
Blog 23: Post revised Essay 3 or 4
Choose what you will read for the final reading/last class

Dec 10
Writing journal: your plans as a writer
Practice reading your piece
Blog 24: Reflections on the course

Dec 14
Last class - turn in your portfolio - read your work

Monday, November 23, 2009

November 23 & Happy Thanksgiving

Below I have listed your presentation groups + your choices of publications for the assignment analyzing publication venues.

Elliott -
Joe T.- JMWW
Rebecca - Word Riot
Tim - Thoreau's Rooster
Benny - Literal Latte

Nicole - Upstreet
Cara - Blackbird
Julie - Collision
Allison - Silk Road
Brittany - Crazy Horse

Kim - SubLit
Lauren - Drunken Boat
Maureen -
Jaimesue -
Kelly - The Teacher's Voice

Deji - Nidus
Joe F. MidAmerican Review
Stephen-Fourth River
Alex - Big Ugly Review
Nic - Literary Mama

For those of you who were not in class, choose a publication (not already taken) from the internet or from the link-list on this blog (below). Your assignment is to present an analysis of the publication venue (this does not necessarily need to be the publication you end up submitting your work to). The assignemnt sheet is also posted below (Rhetorical Analysis of Publication Venues).

I will look over Essay 4 over the break and send you some written feedback.

For Monday, Blog 20: post a discussion of which essay you will revise for your "final" for essay 3/4. Write a specific statement of your focus/ the point you will develop & how you will revise it. Go into some detail with respectd to the plan for revision => the more writing you do here the more focused your revisions can be.

On Monday, Nov. 30, we will have a writing workshop. We will start out with you doing some work on your revision for Essay 3/4 - and then move to open work on the project of your choice.

Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

Monday, November 16, 2009

November 16

In class today you worked with a writing partner to resolve any remaining issues surrounding writing Essay 4.

As announced at the beginning of class - we are up to date (with the exception of Nicole + Jaimesue - and I hope to send feedback for those essays by Wednesday) on feedback, and on Monday - when you turn in Essay 4, we will be ready to start work on preparing your final portfolio and submitting your work.

There is no class on Thursday, November 19.

For Monday
Blog 19: Draft essay 4
In class you will get started on finding publication venues for your work, and on developing a presentation to tell classmates about a particular publication that seems as if it would be a good match for your work.

Have a good weekend and see you next week.

Friday, November 13, 2009

November 12

In class you looked at your descriptions of places, and we talked about how describing a place can "tell a story" or "make a point" indirectly - like in McPhee's writing. We then looked at some narrative paintings. Most of our discussion was on interpreting what was going on - when I didn't get lost in the pleasure of exploring the paintings - I tried to remember to bring attention back to the features of the paintings that operated in our interpretations. For example in the first painting that we looked at, the way the woman (nurse) was dressed along with the trash can and the physical set up of the room said "doctor's office" but the picture on the wall, the magazine, the remote + the CD suggested a connection to pornography. Taken together - these clues identified the man at the center of the picture as a sperm donor. In all cases, the titles of the paintings were suggestive.

The point in this exercise was to think about: how descriptions of images, actions, placement, and all the other observable features of a situation might tell your story/convey your feelings & interpretations.

In our discussion your interpretations mentioned:
colors, numbers, size, texture, direction of movement, facial expressions, clothing, lighting, connections between what was there & other situations, actions, what the characters were looking at, what seemed to be at the center, (and I am sure you remember more). Your observations of these features drove your interpretations.

Before writing your blog, do some freewriting, talking, reflecting to identify a subject. If your are hazy about exactly what you want to say, do some more invention writing until you figure out your focus, your focus may be a questions. So deciding to write about your brother is not a focus; deciding to write about sibling rivalry between brothers, about shared your shared identity; about closeness between brothers, etc - is a focus.

Blog 19: Write down your main focus + the points you want to explore in your 4th draft. (I know this is different from what I said in class, but I thought it over and I think it will give you a better basis for feedback this way). Then:
list some scenes, activities, background "facts", places, things, settings, characters that you can describe as a way to open up + present your take on the concept you are exploring. After you make the list - do some writing to develop material what you think of as the 4 or 5 most important or "best" items on your list. At this point, don't worry about how they fit together, but make sure each description/piece of writing makes a particular point for your overall focus.

You can think of this as planning the "picture" you want to present to your reader to interpret. IF you dig into this writing - you should be in good shape to write Draft 4.

In class you will workshop your pre-drafts, so that you can finish them for the next class.

Important reminder: There will be no class on Thursday, November 19.

Have fun and see you in class Monday.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Narrative painting

Monday, November 9, 2009

November 9

In class today we did a close reading of John McPhee's "Search for Marvin Gardens"; we paid particular attention to how he used movement among descriptions of playing Monopoly, walking around Atlantic City, and presenting the "facts" of Atlantic City's history to develop and reflect on his focus.

You signed up either for a f2f conference or for written feedback.

The conference schedule is as follows:
Tuesday Nov 10
3:00 Julie Jackson

Wednesday, Nov 11
10:00 am Joe Tingle
11:00 am Kelly Quinn
12:00 pm Benito Nieves

Thursday Nov 12
12:30 Nicole DeLuccia
12:00 Tim Lowe
1:30 Stephen Mesa

3:15 Nic Garripoli

Written feedback
Brittany Piano, Rebecca Wood, DJ Akinyemi; Joe Fernandes, Cara Liveto, Kim Castro

For Thursday:
Blog 18:list some places that have been important in your life; if possible, go to one of them and write in your writing journal about what you see => use this writing to create a blog entry where you use description to make a point/reflect on a realization (like McPhee). Do not state your reflection directly.

In class on Thursday we will begin by looking at the blog entries - and then do some more work on using description to "embody" ideas.
Great class today. McPhee's essay is not always an easy read for students - and you talked about it with some sophistication. Thanks for the good participation.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

November 5

In class today you worked on your draft for Essay 3. Be sure both to comment on the pre-drafts for writers in your group, and to post a short blog entry (in class) where you write about what you plan to do to develop/move forward with/finish your essay.

For Monday, finish draft Essay 3.
Read: John McPhee, "The Search for Marvin Gardens."

Blog 17: Draft Essay 3

No - you are not losing your mind (if you looked at this earlier) - I have revised what is due for Monday. Finishing your essay is enough, and will count as Blog 17.

The original post listed what follows as Blog 17, but I am going to revise that for Blog 18. You have enough to do. If you have already done this blog - you are ahead, if not, you have some time to catch up. Sorry for any confusion.

(this will be Blog 18, due for Thursday): list some places that have been important in your life; if possible, go to one of them and write in your writing journal about what you see => use this writing to create a blog entry.

Monday, November 2, 2009

November 2

This week is going to be primarily devoted to workshopping and writing.

Today you started out by reading your clasmates essays (by group) and offering some comments to receive/reflect on what you wrote.

Groups were:
Rebecca Wood, Allison Cherry, Benny Nieves, Brittany Piano

Tim Lowe, Julie jackson, nic Garripoli, Alex Cade

Cara Oliveto, maureen Peterson, Joe Tingle, kim Castro

Stephen Mesa, Elliot fant, Joe fernandex, Lauren Buttacavole

Nicole DeLuccia, Deji Akinyemi, Kelly Quinn, Jaimesue Salva

After you read some of your classmates' work, you then did some reflecting on your own. Specifically, you wrote me an email where you stated:
- how/whether your essay met the requirements of the assignment
- what you focused on during your revision
- how/whether you addressed what we talked about in your conference
- what you would like to do some more work on
- what grade you think you piece should receive.

Blog 16: The assignment is to post:
1. your proposed focus + the object, place, or person you will write about to develop that focus
2. the specific descriptions or information you will present to develop your focus
3. what each description shows about your focus
4. a specific request for feedback

The more writing you do here the further along you are with your draft. This post will be the "pre-draft" that you will discuss workshop with classmates on Thursday.